Can you do more with less? Test your stretch and find out if you are a Stretcher in Training, Rising Stretcher, or Super Stretcher.

If you need to bang a nail into the wall, and didn’t have a hammer, you would
Look in the garage for the hammer
Use the bottom of my shoe
Head to the hardware store to buy a hammer



When trying to complete a project effectively, the best results usually come when you
Have an unlimited budget
Have a limited budget



When trying to innovate, it’s best to have
As many resources as possible
A moderate amount of resources
As few resources as possible



When putting together a team to solve a complex problem, you’re likely to get the best results with
A team composed of the best subject matter experts available
A team composed of members who are good friends
A team composed of members who have the most experience
A team composed by picking names out of a hat



If you want to come up with as many uses as possible for a resource (let’s suppose it’s a toothpick), which strategy is likely to be the most effective?
Work on a difficult crossword puzzle beforehand
Draw a picture with three different colors beforehand
Relax beforehand
Start brainstorming possible uses immediately



Which of the following person is least likely to be satisfied with their performance?
The gold medal winning Olympic athlete
The silver medal winning Olympic athlete
The bronze medal winning Olympic athlete
The athlete who finished in 7th place in the Olympic event



Frugal people tend to
Care less what other people think
Feel psychologically pained when spending money
Believe spending money now means not having money for something in the future
All of these choices
None of these choices



To ensure that everyone is actively listening at a meeting, it is advisable to first
Go around the table to give everyone a turn to speak
Let the group’s leader offer his or her opinion first
Ask the most experienced person his or her opinion
None of these choices



When applying for a job, a job candidate usually sends in a resume to a recruiter. A recruiter favorably evaluates the candidate’s resume before the interview. Which of the following is likely to be true about the job interview?
The recruiter will more thoroughly interview the candidate
The recruiter will gather less helpful information about the candidate
The recruiter will spend more time interviewing the candidate
The recruiter will spend less time interviewing the candidate
None of the above



Which of the following best describes the role of routines in accomplishing work?
Routines always run on autopilot without much thought
Routines are a source of stability, but rarely change
All of these choices
None of these choices



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